One distinctive characteristic of humanity is our ability to worship. The term derives from an Old English term ‘worth-ship’, the act of attributing worth to something or someone. God created us with the capacity to worship him (implied in Genesis 3:8-9; see also John 4:23).

Sadly, all over the world that yearning to worship has been misdirected to the wrong gods and the act of worship, instead of being an ennobling thing, has become degrading.

Whether we are thinking of the worshiping of physical, tangible objects like idols of wood and stone, or the worshiping of more subtle idols such as sex or money or pleasure or power, the effect is the same–the demeaning of our humanity.

The most common Greek word for ‘worship’ (proskuneo) means to fall on one’s face or to bow down.  It implies showing respect and honour to someone greater.

So the Psalmist says, ‘Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker!’ (Psalm 95:6). Ironically, this is an elevating experience. Bowing before the Lord actually lifts us up.

Elsewhere God is described as the one who lifts up our heads (Psalm 3:3). When we focus our eyes on the Lord we cannot look down. So we are less likely to be affected by the degradation of the world.

To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.