We all have unrealised potential. The level of potential differs from person to person. We only have to look at the realm of the arts or of music to see this.
No matter how hard we try, some of us will never be painters or singers or musicians–we just don’t have potential in those areas. And that is no crime. There is no wrong in being a musician and not an artist. Or a singer and not a writer. Or neither. Or both. However, if we don’t fulfil the potential we do have, that is a different matter.
Australian artist Pro Hart was once discussing his painting style with me. ‘Look,’ he said. ‘You just put the brush here like this and do this, and there you go. You could paint like this if you tried.’
I laughed. I knew that I could never paint like Pro Hart in a thousand years. But I can write. So I must do what I can do and others must do what they can do. So must we all, whatever it is.
The important thing is to believe we can accomplish what the Lord has given us the skills to accomplish.
We cannot be more than we are but we should not be less than we can be.
To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.