When we had been married just a handful of years, Vanessa and I owned a delicatessen. At one point, it seemed that everything was going wrong. We were low on stock. There were bills to pay. The deep freezer broke down and we lost valuable frozen goods. I had was involved in a car accident.

I became really depressed. I went to bed miserable and woke up miserable. Each morning I would think, ‘I wonder what will go wrong today?’ One night, however, I turned the whole matter over to God and left it in his hands. For the first time for weeks, I went to sleep peacefully and easily. Next morning, I woke up happy and confident.

In fact, nothing had changed. The freezer still needed fixing. The stocks were still low. But I had changed. I was different. I went about my duties that day singing! And before long, the circumstances began to change, too. Customers started to increase in number. Takings went up.

We proved that you really can trust God in time of stress and it does make a difference.

Stress may be a common problem, but there are answers to it. If we really do know how to reign in life and to live in the kind of dominion and mastery that the Bible talks about, we can be truly relaxed and free from tension for ever.

To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.