We have a responsibility to handle our personal funds with care. Today’s credit card society lays many a trap for the unwary. Once you get on the borrow-to-buy conveyor belt it can be very hard to get off. Paul’s advice is still relevant: ‘Owe no one anything’ (Romans 13:8).
Some years ago, I closed off several department store accounts and determined to pay cash for everything. I felt a great sense of freedom. The borrower was no longer the slave of the lender! (Proverbs 22:7).
It was interesting that the stores concerned basically refused to accept my decision. Naturally, they prefer the credit system with its profitable interest charges.
The exercise of mastery in this area is really important. If you pay your credit cards in full every month, you may find yourself easily in control of your finances and better able to manage them. It is a matter of being in control.
How often are people prevented from giving to missions, or some other worthy cause, because they are fully committed already? Money should be a servant not a master! Freedom from debt is vital.
Borrowing to buy a house is probably an exception to the rule. But overall, paying as you go is the wise way.
To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.