I once interviewed Mrs Daisy Osborn, wife of the well- known missionary evangelist T. L. Osborn. I asked her what was the greatest miracle she had seen. She told me how a little boy had been brought to one of the crusades in Africa who had no eyes at all. He had been born not only sightless but eyeless, too.
One night, a mass prayer was offered for the healing of the sick. The next morning, the excited mother brought the lad to the Osborns so that they could see for themselves what had happened. The little fellow lay in his mother’s arms looking up at them from two bright, open eyes!
The story was well verified because the child was known to others in the area. For years afterwards, in fact, people used to come like pilgrims from near and far to see for themselves what had happened.
Miracles are not only for Bible days–they still happen today. God has not changed. Jesus Christ is still the same as he always was (Hebrews 13:8).
To live creatively is to believe in a miraculous God!
To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.