Nine Keys to Unlocking the Book of Revelation

For centuries, the Book of Revelation has intrigued, mystified, challenged, encouraged, angered and blessed its readers. It is a remarkable and awe-inspiring book. Although Dr Barry Chant presents an irenic approach to the subject, freely acknowledging alternative views, you may be astonished at how obvious are the simple yet profound keys he outlines. They are, in fact,  all derived from Revelation itself and present a refreshing 21st Century understanding that avoids wild and sensationalist ideas and at the same time offers revolutionary, thoughtful and exciting insights. Many hundreds of hours of work went into this production and it shows. People who have viewed the videos often comment on Dr Chant’s conversational yet captivating style. (‘It was like I was just sitting there in the room with him’.) The accompanying 50 pages of notes provide an additional invaluable resource. This series is ideal for both individual and group use.

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Posted in Sermon Series.

One Comment

  1. Thank you so much I have just listen to your introduction and have loved hearing your nine keys.
    One of the things that stood out to me that I had never even given any thought to was that all of the previous books and talks on Revelation have been seen through Western Eyes,this really made me think of how much we are influenced in our culture in interpreting everything. I also loved how you brought out the first line of Revelation The Revelation of Jesus Christ, I have read this before but for some reason when you pointed it out, it jumped out of the page to me.
    Thank you so much, I am looking forward to listening to all of your talks. Thank you

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