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Moments and Memories

Don’t like poetry? Find it boring? Don’t understand it? Think again. Moments and Memories is a beautifully presented volume that could change your mind forever. It is an ideal gift book for special occasions. It is a unique collection of verse by Australian author Dr Barry Chant. In fact, it may be the first professionally produced anthology of verse ever published by an Australian Pentecostal writer.

Moments and Memories includes poems on a range of subjects such as the Bible, nature, worship, ministry, times of disappointment and discouragement, and special seasons such as Christmas and Easter. Of particular interest is a section of imagined reminiscences by biblical characters from both Old and New Testaments. This hard-cover volume has an appealing ‘feel’ about it, with a pleasing décor and layout.

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Dr Chant is widely known as a historian, children’s author and Bible teacher. Moments and Memories presents a further welcome dimension to his varied writings.  162 pages. Hard cover. ISBN 978 0 949 330 40 6.

The author says: I had no intention of writing a book when I composed some of the early poems in this volume—in fact, that applies to nearly all of them. I just felt impelled to set down my thoughts and feelings in verse. Some were written for special events such as Christmas. More recently I designed some for preaching illustrations. It was only in my 81st year that the thought of publishing them occurred to me. As I prayed about it, I was convinced to do so by the quiet yet insistent voice of the Holy Spirit.

Because they were written for various occasions and over a long period of time, the subject matter is richly varied. There are rhymes for singing and rejoicing and even for sorrowing; there are lines to inspire you, couplets to encourage you and imagery to move you to spring up and take notice or just to sit back and reflect. Sometimes you will find yourself chuckling; at others you may be wiping tears from your eyes.

There are also thought-provoking ventures into the memories and reminiscences of Bible characters. What was it like to be a father at the time of sacrifice? How did Tamar feel after being raped? What did the disciples of Jesus think about as they faced martyrdom? What was it like to become a king at the age of eight?

This volume is for those moments when you just want to be diverted for a while into the vast, boundless, wonderful realm of the imagination, the window of the heart and the soul. I hope this will be your experience.

Here are my favourite two lines, the best I have ever written, I think. They form the conclusion to ‘A Father Remembers.’

‘Love is not love that pays no price;
The heart of love is sacrifice.’

What readers say:

  • A book of thoughtful, creative, refreshing inspiration.
  • I couldn’t stop reading until I had finished the whole book.
  • Absolutely lovely.
  • Very encouraging.
  • Uplifting words of wisdom.
  • Verses that invite us into the characteristic topsy-turvy world of the gospel.
  • The author marries seemingly conflicting opposites together to shock us to a new awareness.
  • Disturbingly apt imagery.
  • Touches the heart with more than sentimentality.
  • Magnificently produced.
  • I love the phrase ‘the toothpaste tube of life’. Where have the years gone?
  • Describes my experience too.
  • Such a blessing.
  • Great to read after a stressful week; it transported me to a place where I can focus on the Lord.

Your Guide to God’s Power

If you are looking for more of the power of God in your life, then this book is for you.

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What’s in it?

If you are looking for more of the power of God in your life, then this book is for you. In simple, easy-to-read language, it answers such common questions as–

  • How can I be filled with the Spirit of God?
  • What does it mean to be baptised in the Holy Spirit?
  • Is being baptised in the Spirit another name for conversion?
  • What are the outcomes of being baptised in the Holy Spirit?
  • What about speaking in tongues? What is it? How does it work?
  • How do we know spiritual gifts are for today?
  • What is praying in the Spirit?
  • How can I pray more effectively?
  • How can I walk in the Spirit?
  • What part do emotions play in life in the Spirit?

The author says:

I first wrote this little book in 1968 to provide a clear explanation for everyday Christians of how to receive the Spirit. It has been through several revisions since then. I have tried to keep it practical and uncomplicated. It has been out of print for some time but several pastors have asked me to have it republished.

So here it is once again. It’s deliberately offered as a small easy-to-handle product that you can tuck into your handbag or satchel or backpack. Or just leave by the bed or in your favourite chair. Or take with you on a train or bus.

I hope you find that for you personally it lives up to its name.

Personal Practical Prayer Diary

My Personal Practical Prayer Diary is a simple proven prayer program that might just be what you are looking for: a practical guide to maximising the effectiveness of your prayer. It includes timely and practical suggestions for enhancing your devotional life. Because the price is so low, there is a minimum of five copies for mail orders.

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What’s in it?

My Personal Practical Prayer Diary includes the following–

  • 162 colour pages.
  • Wiro-bound format designed to lie flat for easy journaling and note-taking.
  • Biblical answers to the question ‘Why do we need to pray for others?’
  • A concise Bible study on prayer.
  • Daily exhortations to pray from saints through the ages.
  • A 28-page daily prayer planner with suggested categories of people for whom we should pray and space to include their individual names
  • A section where you can record answers to prayer and guidance received through prayer
  • Eight pages of spiritual exercises to help you structure your devotional times effectively (P-R-A-Y).
  • Foolproof helpful hints on how to memorise Scripture.
  • 52 Bible memory verses, one for each week.
  • An easy-to-follow Scripture reading program that covers every chapter of the Bible.
  • Guidelines for probing and understanding the plain meaning of Scripture.
  • An annual prayer planner for recording special events and anniversaries.

The author says:

My Personal Practical Prayer Diary grew out of my own personal need to structure my prayer life more effectively. I used a simple version of it for many years. When I was pastoring a large city church we wanted a tool that would help our congregation to pray better. So I suggested we publish a more comprehensive version of my own prayer guide. We called it My Personal Practical Prayer Diary and gave 1000 free copies to our members. The idea was not to urge them to pray—most people know they should pray more—it was to give them practical tools for prayer.

Llocal churches both in Australia and overseas have picked up the program and are very excited about it. Thousands of copies have now been distributed. There is no doubt that people are praying more effectively as a result and that the churches benefit significantly.

The My Personal Practical Prayer Diary program works best the whole church takes it up together at the same time.

Gifts of the Spirit

gifts of the spiritSpiritual gifts—yes or no? What does God have to say? In this practical volume Barry Chant opens the Bible to answer those important questions. He explains gifts like prophesying, speaking in tongues, healing, discerning of spirits and others in a way that is true to Scripture and applicable to practical ministry. Ideal for personal development, home groups, biblical and practical workshops, seminars and pastoral care, this is a thoughtful and carefully crafted account of how Pentecostal and Charismatic believers may understand and respond to the renewing work of the Holy Spirit.

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The author says:

This study on the gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 originally appeared as a series of articles in New Day magazine and was put into book form as a result of suggestions from some pastors. Chapters were also published in Charisma (USA) and Renewal (UK). There are many books on signs and wonders around these days, but some of them tend to be anecdotal rather than exegetical in their thrust. I tried to make Gifts of the Spirit an exception. I think you will find it achieves its purpose of blending sound biblical exposition with practical application.

What the reviewers say:

“I love the balance Dr Chant brings between academia and praxis; there isrecognition of the supernatural while honouring the mundane. He sets the scene for each specific gift in the context of general Christian discipleship and strikes the perfect balance in approaching the subject with academic rigour combined with earthy, pastoral application. This book is a necessary resource for every leader who seeks to empower their people with a Spiritinspired, grounded understanding of the charismata.”

Craig Bailey
Director of Leadership
Uniting College for Leadership & Theology, Adelaide, SA

Barry Chant’s Gifts of the Spirit: A Reappraisal marks the return of a valuable resource for Christians everywhere. Drawing on many years of experience and reflection, Dr Chant offers clear biblical teaching and a timely reminder that spiritual gifts are not a passing fad but rather an enduring part of church life.

Cheryl Catford-McCallum
Head of School of Theology and Context, Tabor Victoria

“Across the world, God is pouring out his Spirit with signs and wonders. This book, written in Barry Chant’s easy-to-read, informative and challenging style, will take you to a new realm of the miraculous.”

Ian Miller,
Senior Pastor Community Church Hornsby, Sydney, NSW

“Like all of his writings, Dr Barry Chant’s new book Gifts of the Holy Spirit contains much experienced research and carefully exegeted biblical facts concerning this vital subject. As a result, I can recommend it as contributing to the wealth of experience that is available to those seeking greater fulfilment in the exercising of God’s gifts.”

Hal Oxley
Founding Chairman, Associated Christian Ministries, Australia

This is a timely, practical book. It will encourage people to explore and mine, to seek and to understand, and to step on water. It will be used for group discussion, and for workshops. Ample and excellent guidance and material is provided for these purposes.
It is a balanced book. It is balanced in its interpretation of the Biblical material. It is balanced in its academic foundations and its pastoral application. In fact it reflects, quite clearly the mind of its author, a person of experience and wisdom whose heart’s desire is to serve the whole of the Church. It is for these reasons that I can wholeheartedly commend this book.

Hamish T Jamieson,
Former Bishop of Bunbury, WA.

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This is Revival

this is revivalYears of research: a lifetime of experience. 340 pages; over 50 photos; stirring stories.

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From years of research and a lifetime of experience, Dr Barry Chant explains the nature of revival from both Scripture and history. This book will fascinate you, disturb you, encourage you and surprise you. Refreshingly honest and stimulating. Contains srites of divine visitation rarely recorded before.

What the reviewers say:

Authoritative… Refreshing… You will be fascinated… Refreshingly honest… Stimulating… Should be compulsory reading… An extensive and wonderful exploration… A thought-provoking challenge… A great read… Amazing stories… Wide historical and biblical research… Careful historical and biblical analysis… Encouraging, thought-provoking, inspiring, biblical… Uplifts the spirit and inspires faith…Comprehensive… Biblically challenging…Christ-centred.

Living in the Image of God

What does it mean to be created in God’s image?
Dr Chant uncovers five transformational qualities—Christian identity, godly self-mastery, biblical creativity, Christ-like community and holistic spirituality. In practice, these pretty well summarise the whole Christian life. Get these right and the rest will find its place.

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In his usual pragmatic, readable style, Chant presents a biblical, practical, no-nonsense picture of life as God intended it to be. He
covers a vast range of subjects—knowing who you are, positive living, dealing with stress and worry, using the imagination in a creative way, the power of faith, getting on with other people, understanding and enjoying your sexuality, praying effectively, being filled with the Spirit and many others.

Here is a well-rounded, gripping and challenging volume that will inspire you to greater levels of satisfaction and accomplishment. And this
is not just theory—there are also practical tools for applying biblical truth to your life.

This is a book for everyone. It is written for the general reader but also includes study sections for those who want to explore biblical
and theological depths further.

It is a kind of blueprint for life—a handbook for just doing what the Bible teaches, day in and day out. It’s inspirational, it’s
encouraging, it’s biblical, it’s practical. It embraces all the essentials. Onereading won’t be enough. You’ll come back to it again and again.

The author says: When it came time to reprint Creative Living, I intended to do just that — reprint it as it was. My wife Vanessa said, ‘No. It needs updating. You need to revise it.’ When I looked at it closely, I realised she was right. Then I talked with David McGregor, seinior lecturer in theology at Tabor Adelaide, and gained some further insights on the topic. I also faced the challenge of presenting the book in such a way that it would appeal both to the general reader and to College students. Hence, the addition of the ‘Probe’ sections. But the biggest change was the development of the theme of living in God’s image. This has reshaped the whole book into what I hope is a more exciting and profound volume.

What others say:

Dr Barry Chant encapsulates the heart of what it means to be a new creation in Christ. As he points out, faith is not just a theory. It risks with uncertainty—gives unreservedly—trusts unswervingly—ignores impossibility! I hope that this book will serve to inspire and empower you to better impact your circle of family, friends and greater world in Jesus’ name (Pastor Brian Houston, Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church, Sydney).

In this exciting book, Barry Chant shows how it is possible to fulfil our possibilities in God. He begins with the fundamental — and to many people revolutionary — concept that the Christian life is not trying to become what we are not but rather, it is becoming what we already are!
This is the sort of book you should read more than once. It will help you to face life every day
with a positive ‘I can!’ (
Dr Robert Schuller, Founder, Crystal Cathedral, Los Angeles).

In his own special way, Barry Chant grapples with the issues of Christian life in a practical kind of ‘hands-on’ manner. It is right in line with what I like to see—that is, applied Christianity (Rev Bob Mumford, Lifechangers, Cookeville, TN).

A wonderfully insightful guide for human flourishing, packed full of biblical resources, practical suggestions and probing questions (Pastor David McGregor, Senior Lecturer in Theology, Tabor College, Adelaide).

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The Spirit of Pentecost

the spirit of pentecost

Now an Australian classic, Dr Barry Chant’s, The Spirit of Pentecost, presents the largely untold and dramatic story of the early days of Australian Pentecostalism. It is a tale of bold pioneering, courage and sacrifice; of remarkable miracles; of grit and heroism; of dogged persistence; of faith, hope, love and compassion. Discover the distinctive qualities of the early Australian Pentecostal movement and its unique contribution to the Kingdom of God.

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What the reviewers say.

  • ‘A book that should be read’ – Professor Walter Hollenweger
  • ‘I highly recommend this book’ – Professor Vinson Synan.
  • ‘This is a great read’ – Dr Stuart Piggin.
  • ‘I could not put it down’ – Pastor Bill Vasilakis

The author says:

For years I have been fascinated by the origins of Australian Pentecostalism. I heard stories about it but there was no reliable published history. So I set about researching it myself. The result was an exciting story and some surprising outcomes.

Australian Pentecostalism exhibits distinctive elements which do not fit accepted theories. Neither the deprivation theories of the 1970s and 80s nor more recent sociological and psychological explanations are adequate to explain its development.

Generally the socio-economic status of Australian Pentecostal people was not, as is commonly believed, below the norm for the community: in fact, the reverse was true.

Pentecostalism grew from three major nineteenth century tributaries: the Wesleyan movement with its emphasis on entire sanctification; the ministry of John Alexander Dowie with its focus on divine healing and separation from the world; and the Evangelical movement, with its fervent and growing desire for revival.

Local leadership was both indigenous and multicultural. Sarah Jane Lancaster was the outstanding pioneer. She was responsible for establishing many local churches, she engaged in extensive welfare work during the Depression and there was a strong emphasis on experiencing the presence and power of God, especially through ‘tarry meetings.’

There were dedicated and determined efforts to take the gospel to the Aborigines. The Spirit was seen to be bestowed on both men and women equally and so, in the initial three decades, women had a unique freedom to preach, administer the sacraments and lead churches. Over half of the first thirty Pentecostal congregations were founded by women.
It was their experience of God through the Holy Spirit that motivated the early Pentecostals. Historically, it will be seen that the movement’s distinctiveness rested in its enshrining of the practice of glossolalia in an experiential encounter with God.

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Empowered By The Spirit

empowered by the spiritNowadays, ‘charismatic‘ can mean almost anything. The author offers a clear biblically-based statement of what it means to be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

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This volume:

  • Explains the Scriptures
  • Answers common questions
  • Refutes objections
  • Offers practical guidance
  • Relates exciting testimonies
  • Inspires faith for spiritual


The author places the awesome Pentecostal experience of baptism in the Spirit in its rightful context – namely effective witness of the message of the Cross.
Pastor Bill Vasilakis, Australian National Chairman, CRC Churches Int

This book thinks outside the square in a helpful way. It is thorough and not driven by theological predispositions. It took meplaces I hadn’t been before, sometimes unwillingly. Although I have a few different ideas, I like it!
Dr Ian Jagelman, Director of the Jagelman Institute

We highly recommend Dr Barry Chant’s latest book Empowered by the Spirit. It is balanced. It is broad. It is revelatory. It is essential reading for standing on the Word and walking in the Spirit. It’s brilliant.
Pastors Adrian and Kathy Gray, Mount Annan Church, Sydney, Australia

An excellent textbook on this important subject. It’stheological yet practical approach will be of great benefit to all believers. I heartily commend it.
Pastor Mark Conner, Senior Minister, CityLife Church,Melbourne, Aust.

The quality of writing is sustained at a high level throughout… The diagrams and charts add a useful visual dimension, and the stories add a lively personal touch.
Dr Ken Chant, Australasian President and Founder, Vision Christian University.

This is the summation of the very significant life of its prolific author. This is distilled, quintessential Barry Chant. Students, teachers, scholars, historians, preachers and pastors (all of which Dr Chant has been) will find seams of gold as they mine through this book.
Dr Stuart Robinson, Senior Minister, Crossway Baptist Church, Melbourne, Victoria.

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