Waters to Swim In

Waters to Swim In: Adelaide’s first three Pentecostal churches, 1910-1935,’ South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies, #22, October 1999.
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Breaking The Power Of The Past

Breaking the Power of the PastPractical and biblical advice on breaking free from the chains of guilt, past trauma, failure, fear, religious inhibition and generational ties. Packed with testimonies and personal stories.

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The author says: Some people have shown me copies of this book in which almost every paragraph is underlined or high-lighted. They’ve obviously found it helpful. To be honest, I think some of the books on this subject are as much mythical – even superstitious – as biblical. My focus is clearly on the essence of the gospel and the complete victory we have in Christ over the effects of sin, guilt, fear, failure, generational influences, religious heritage and so on. Breaking is now in its second printing. Hundreds of copies have been sold in South East Asia where the section on breaking the power of religion has been particularly relevant. Although it’s not written as a text book, I think it would be excellent value for students studying Counselling, Pastoral Care, Evangelism, Marriage and Family — or in any area where there is a focus on ministry to people with a negative past.

What Others Say

Dr Barry Chant has written an outstanding book to help Christians break the chains of their past life — the chains of guilt, rejection, fear, failure and the like. The treatment is biblical, wise and amply illustrated by a wealth of examples.The whole thing is attractively written by an experienced and deeply spiritual counsellor and teacher.

I have always admired Dr Barry Chant for his deep insight, practical knowledge and biblical scholarship. This latest book meets all expectations — especially as Barry has skilfully combined his broad understanding of the human predicament — with so many practical, day to day solutions to break from the past. He has also brought together the stark recognition of the debilitating influence of guilt, rejection and spiritual bondage with the positive Christian message of hope and renewal.This is a book about personal liberation. Having grown up in a predominantly Asian culture, I deeply appreciate Barry’s assessment of the fierce grip that religious tradition and bondage have on most, if not all of us. More importantly, there is great joy in knowing that one may find total release and freedom through out Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Rev Dr Tony Chi,Vice President of Training and Development
Haggai Institute, Singapore

Gifts of the Spirit

gifts of the spiritSpiritual gifts—yes or no? What does God have to say? In this practical volume Barry Chant opens the Bible to answer those important questions. He explains gifts like prophesying, speaking in tongues, healing, discerning of spirits and others in a way that is true to Scripture and applicable to practical ministry. Ideal for personal development, home groups, biblical and practical workshops, seminars and pastoral care, this is a thoughtful and carefully crafted account of how Pentecostal and Charismatic believers may understand and respond to the renewing work of the Holy Spirit.

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The author says:

This study on the gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 originally appeared as a series of articles in New Day magazine and was put into book form as a result of suggestions from some pastors. Chapters were also published in Charisma (USA) and Renewal (UK). There are many books on signs and wonders around these days, but some of them tend to be anecdotal rather than exegetical in their thrust. I tried to make Gifts of the Spirit an exception. I think you will find it achieves its purpose of blending sound biblical exposition with practical application.

What the reviewers say:

“I love the balance Dr Chant brings between academia and praxis; there isrecognition of the supernatural while honouring the mundane. He sets the scene for each specific gift in the context of general Christian discipleship and strikes the perfect balance in approaching the subject with academic rigour combined with earthy, pastoral application. This book is a necessary resource for every leader who seeks to empower their people with a Spiritinspired, grounded understanding of the charismata.”

Craig Bailey
Director of Leadership
Uniting College for Leadership & Theology, Adelaide, SA

Barry Chant’s Gifts of the Spirit: A Reappraisal marks the return of a valuable resource for Christians everywhere. Drawing on many years of experience and reflection, Dr Chant offers clear biblical teaching and a timely reminder that spiritual gifts are not a passing fad but rather an enduring part of church life.

Cheryl Catford-McCallum
Head of School of Theology and Context, Tabor Victoria

“Across the world, God is pouring out his Spirit with signs and wonders. This book, written in Barry Chant’s easy-to-read, informative and challenging style, will take you to a new realm of the miraculous.”

Ian Miller,
Senior Pastor Community Church Hornsby, Sydney, NSW

“Like all of his writings, Dr Barry Chant’s new book Gifts of the Holy Spirit contains much experienced research and carefully exegeted biblical facts concerning this vital subject. As a result, I can recommend it as contributing to the wealth of experience that is available to those seeking greater fulfilment in the exercising of God’s gifts.”

Hal Oxley
Founding Chairman, Associated Christian Ministries, Australia

This is a timely, practical book. It will encourage people to explore and mine, to seek and to understand, and to step on water. It will be used for group discussion, and for workshops. Ample and excellent guidance and material is provided for these purposes.
It is a balanced book. It is balanced in its interpretation of the Biblical material. It is balanced in its academic foundations and its pastoral application. In fact it reflects, quite clearly the mind of its author, a person of experience and wisdom whose heart’s desire is to serve the whole of the Church. It is for these reasons that I can wholeheartedly commend this book.

Hamish T Jamieson,
Former Bishop of Bunbury, WA.

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