Gifts of the Spirit
Spiritual gifts— yes or no? What does God have to say? In this practical volume Barry Chant opens the Bible to answer those important questions.
Barry and Vanessa’s 2015 Quirky Christmas Letter
There is sometimes a lighter side to ministry. Here are a few examples of things that happened to us this year. But be warned — one of the following stories is totally fictional. It didn’t happen. The question is, which one? (If you can’t decide, look for the clue.) Meanwhile, have a grace-flavoured Christmas and a power-injected new year.
Homosexual Practice in the Light of the Scriptures

A concise and well-researched Bible study of the relevant and important biblical statements on the question of homosexual practice.
Blue Chocolate

BLUE CHOCOLATE A story by Barry Chant ‘Have you heard about the resurgence of blue chocolate?’ whispered buxom Beverley Trad one winter morning to her slender brunette friend Sophie Wise. They were both in their twenties, enjoying the embracive warmth of Linger Inn, a popular café that served the best coffee in the university precinct. […]

An exploratory discussion paper presented by Dr Barry Chant at the annual conference of the Association of Pentecostal and Charismatic Bible Colleges of Australasia on Friday 19 May 2000.
Australia’s Destiny in the Sovereignty of God

What do we celebrate each Australia Day? The arrival of a bunch of convict rejects from the overcrowded jails of England? The attempt by a thousand ill-equipped Europeans to establish a small segment of civilsation on the under-side of the earth?
The Meaning of en pneumati in 1 Corinthians 12:13

In recent years, 1 Corinthians 12:13 has become a focus for evangelical-Pentecostal debate. What does it mean? How should it be understood? Is it a statement about to baptism? Conversion? Empowerment? Church membership? Christian unity?
That Wigglesworth Prophecy

You have been chosen by God for a great move of the Holy Spirit…this move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankind’s history and will start towards the end of the 20th century and move into the 21st century. This move of God will start a great revival in Australia and spread throughout the world…’
Barry and Vanessa’s 2013 Quirky Christmas Letter
For two decades, a growing number of fans have eagerly waited for Barry and Vanessa’s annual Quirky Christmas letter. This year’s continues the tradition. For a laugh or two, some quirky news items and a prayer for the season, read on…
This is Revival
From years of research and a lifetime of experience, Dr Barry Chant explains the nature of revival from both Scripture and history.