To Be Like Jesus

This brief skit can be used to introduce or illustrate a message on Philippians 2:5 or the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is appropriate for adults or young people. The players need to be lively and expressive, able to express emotion. Genders and names can be changed if necessary. You can […]
The World is My Mission

This is a play in simple verse which is ideal for a Missions Sunday or Missions conference. It can be portrayed by adults or young people and even children—or perhaps even better, a combination of all three. Each player enters and recites one stanza and carries or wears something appropriate, as indicated. After each stanza, […]
On Being a Disciple

You can download and reproduce this script for personal use or for free distribution to groups such as your local church Bible study group or Christian fellowship. Please include the following acknowledgement: ‘Copyright © 2016 by Barry Chant. Reproduced with permission from’
In Spirit and Truth

This brief skit can be used to introduce or illustrate a message on the nature of worshipping God. It is appropriate for adults or young people. The players need to be lively, expressive and agile (Aquila falls to the floor at one point). Genders and names can be changed if necessary. You can download and […]
Be Wise in the Way You Act

This brief skit can be used to introduce or illustrate a message on personal witnessing. It is appropriate for adults or young people. The players need to be lively and expressive, able to express emotion. Genders can be changed if necessary. Names can be changed or added if necessary. By a judicious use of lighting, […]
Barry and Vanessa’s 2016 Quirky Christmas Letter
Every year, Barry and Vanessa’s Quirky Christmas letter has delighted, annoyed, amused. bemused, gladdened, saddened, elated, frustrated and occasionally informed their readers. This year’s is different again. So here it is for your reading pleasure…
While Stockmen Watched Their Mob One Night

While Stockmen Watched Their Mob One Night Skit, 2016.
Personal Practical Prayer Diary
A practical guide to maximising the effectiveness of your prayer.
When We Step Out God Steps In
A collection of encouraging messages on the theme: When we step out in faith, God steps in with power. Each chapter is a word-for-word trasncript of an inspiring message preached at the Wesley International Congregation in Sydney, NSW, Australia. You will feel you are right there in the congregation a you read. Paperback – Unavailable […]
The Australian Career of John Alexander Dowie

John Alexander Dowie spent only eight and half years of his astonishing ministry in Australia. Yet they were in some ways the most significant of his career. It was during this time, that he developed a philosophy of ministry and leadership that would catapult him into international fame as a religious leader. John Dowie was an enigma, a figure of great contrasts.