Hot Cross Buns (Poem)

When summer’s heat still burns the sky,
the Hot Cross buns appear
so merchants can condition us
that Easter time is near.
Easter is the oldest
Christian festival of all,
its origins go almost back
to Peter, Luke and Paul….
Christmas Poems

A Missionary’s Plea

A Father Remembers

A video reading of this poem is also available here…
Barry And Vanessa’s 2017 Quirky Christmas Letter
How to pray for Missionaries

Wesley International Congregation, Sydney, Sunday 18th June, 2017. Original Source:
Your Guide to God’s Power
If you are looking for more of the power of God in your life, then this book is for you.
Stories from My Life
State CRC RISK conference Christian Family Centre Murray Bridge South Australia 2014. ‘Stories from my life.’ Part 1 RISK CONFERENCE SESSION 2 Part 1 from CRC Churches International on Vimeo. Part 2 RISK CONFERENCE SESSION 1Part 2 from CRC Churches International on Vimeo. Original Source:
Disciplines in Prayer
National CRC conference Kingston City Church Victoria, October 2015. ‘Disciplines in prayer.’ WIN Session 2 V compressed from CRC Churches International on Vimeo. Prs Barry Chant and Ian Miller speak about the theme ‘Running with Discipline’. Original Source:
Vision Sunday

his is a lively, interactive skit designed for use in launching new local church/group/team vision for the new year. Actors, musicians and congregation are all involved. It needs to be done with a great deal of energy and a slick, professional style. Timing is important. Appropriate names and details of events and the nationalities and […]