Loss of control is a great stress factor. We feel most tense when things seem to have got out of hand and we are no longer in command of the situation. When I first started using a word processor, I had great trouble. All those keys and control codes–a baffling mystery. On one occasion, I […]
Lamentations chapter three is one of the most moving passages in Scripture. Written by Jeremiah at a time of disaster for the nation of Judah, it describes appalling atrocities. Such was the intense famine in Jerusalem that mothers had even cannibalised their own babies! (2:20). Young and old had died or been slain in the […]
Failure to trust God is a sin. This seems a strong statement, but it is true. The Scriptures never give any excuse for lack of faith. Jesus was really tough on his disciples when they showed fear rather than faith. ‘Why are you so afraid?’ he asked them. ‘Do you still have no faith?’ (Mark […]
Basically, self-mastery finds its source in the mind. When we make up our minds to exercise self-control we usually finish up doing so. It is easy to blame things like tiredness, pressure of work, lack of money, misunderstanding and the like for loss of control. But if we make up our minds to reign in […]
Once, while in Singapore, I was invited to visit Changi prison. I was most interested to do this, as an uncle of mine had been incarcerated there during World War 2. I was to speak briefly to the prisoners. This proved to be a memorable experience. I can still picture the serious faces of those […]
An important aspect of self-mastery is that of honesty and integrity. First, it is important to be honest with God. Not that we can deceive God anyway. But the Bible does warn us that God is not to be mocked (Galatians 6:7) and that nothing in all creation is hidden from his sight (Hebrews 4:13). […]
Why Doesn’t God Do Something? — Small Group Video Series

In this series-with-a-difference, Dr Barry Chant presents eight short videos covering some of the questions that people commonly ask about God and suffering. Each video is accompanied by the script for a short skit with which small groups can illustrate the message. This is an ideal teaching approach for both individual and group usage. The […]
Christ In All The Scriptures

In this short video, Dr Chant begins at Genesis and without resource to notes, shows how Christ is presented in a prophetic panorama in every book of the Bible. This is an inspiring and encouraging video suitable for individual use or as an inspiring segment in home groups, youth groups etc. Download PDF
Why Doesn’t God Do Something? (with skits)

Why Doesn’t God Do Something? Half-hour video with skits. Since the traumatic worldwide events of 2020, many people have asked, Why Doesn’t God Do Something? In this entertaining video, Barry and Vanessa Chant address this question in a series of humorous short skits. The video was made at short notice and has a freshness about […]
Uniqueness of Christ

The Uniqueness of ChristA dramatic and challenging half-month presentation on the centrality of the Saviour. Download PDF Playlist 13 Videos Unique #1 0:16 Unique #2 Humanity1 0:16 Unique #3 Humanity2 0:16 Unique #4 Deity1 Unique #5 Deity2 Unique #6 Preaching Unique #7 Power1 Unique #8 Power2 Unique #9 Prophesyimg Unique #10 Purpose Unique #11 Presence […]