Why Doesn’t God Do Something? — Small Group Video Series

In this series-with-a-difference, Dr Barry Chant presents eight short videos covering some of the questions that people commonly ask about God and suffering. Each video is accompanied by the script for a short skit with which small groups can illustrate the message. This is an ideal teaching approach for both individual and group usage.

The topics covered are …

  1. Not So Simple After All
  2. The Ultimate Purpose
  3. Our Heavenly Hope
  4. Judgement Day
  5. Then I Understood
  6. The Freedom of Love
  7. Don’t Just Sit There: Do Something!
  8. God Has Already Demonstrated His Love.

View or download the companion PDF Study Guide below…

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.barrychant.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Why-doesnt-God-do-something-youversion.pdf” width=”500″]

Download PDF
Posted in Sermon Series.

One Comment

  1. Hi Barry, How long has it been? I have never forgotten who you were and what you had been to us at OCF Adelaide when we were students in Uni and in AACC. You were one of my favourite preachers during my time in Adelaide. Glad to hear you shared again here. Yes, it’s a question not just non-believers ask but even Christians are asking….”Why isn’t God do something?” Got this link from Merrilyn. This is my email and hope to keep in touch from here on. Please send my regards to Vanessa. I have not forgotten her either. You take care and God bless!

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