The ultimate solution to the problem of fear is love. The New Testament writer who has a great deal to say about love is John, sometimes known as the ‘John the Beloved’. Among other things he says–
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18).
If pride and fear are keeping us from fellowship, then we should seek more of God’s love. When we love people, it is very hard to keep separate from them. Love always tries to bring people together–as every lover knows.
The God who made us in his image is the God whose name is Love. There can be no question about the fact that we best reflect that image when we love one another.
To live in the image of God is to live in love. Conversely, the less we love, the more darkened and obscure the reflection. Jesus said–
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:35).
Can anything else be more important than that?
To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.