One of the most exciting races I have watched was a children’s marathon–a race of 400 metres in which my seven-year-old son Luke was a competitor. He sprinted to an early lead and looked certain to win. But then he began to slow down and some of the others started to catch up. I thought to myself, ‘Oh no, he’s run too fast too soon and he’s out of breath.’

Then, with about 100 metres to go, he glanced over his shoulder and saw the gap behind him closing. Suddenly a change came over him. I cannot remember him having been so determined to achieve something. He fixed his eyes on the finish line and made it clear that no-one would be there before him. As he crossed the line, his face was twisted with exertion–but he won.

Forgive the paternal pride in telling that story. But we need the same kind of will to win if we are going to succeed in life. Only by self-mastery, a willingness to subdue all of our energies and talents and skills to the one great end of fulfilling the will of God, can we succeed in living creatively in the image of God.

To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.