The fruit of the Spirit is…self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)
It is possible to exercise self-control. It is not beyond our ability to do so. Remember that in Christ the original purpose of creation is restored–and that includes mastery.
Self-control is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. This is a popular passage of Scripture, but most people tend to concentrate on the first few qualities of the Spirit-filled life, and self-control, which comes last in the list, barely rates a mention.
In any case, most people would rather talk about love, joy and peace than mastery of self. But the fact that it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit reminds us that it is a quality that should be developing in every believer’s life.
The way to cultivate self-control is to cultivate the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the Spirit, we are more able to master our own lives.
The Greek word for self-control is egkrateia. It literally means ‘derived from strength’. When we control ourselves, we act from a position of strength. When we are strengthened inwardly by the Spirit we are able to adopt a position of personal mastery.
To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.