The first three chapters of Ephesians tell us all that God has done for us. Here we learn who we are in Christ. The next three chapters tell us about the good works that God has prepared for us. The whole book is wrapped around the concept of living in the image of God.

Paul addresses us as ‘saints’ (Ephesians 1:2). To many people, a saint is someone who is forever enshrined in a stained glass window or some very holy, spiritual person, whose sanctity is out of this world.

In biblical terms a saint is simply someone who has been made holy by God. Every believer is a saint.

This has nothing to do with what we have done. It is based entirely on what God has done. He makes us holy. He sets us apart for himself. He separates us from sin.

This title makes it clear that whatever we are or can be is only the result of the goodness and grace of God. So there is no need to feel embarrassed about claiming the title ‘saint’. It is only a recognition of the work of God.

To read more on this topic see Living in the Image of God, Barry Chant (Miranda: Tabor, 2012 available in eBook and Paperback) from which this edited extract is taken.